I haven't really talked about a couple of other things that I am doing this year. That does not mean that they are not important. THE most important thing that I am doing is memorizing scripture along with my sisters on the Living Proof Ministries blog. You or may not know that LPM is Beth Moore's ministry and the blog has become very important to me. We have become a sisterhood (of Siestas--you'll have to go to the blog to see how that came about) of women who love God and who are very blessed by Beth and her teaching. I believe she is a prophetess to women in this time, and she is most certainly delivering the Word of God in a powerful way.Anyhow, we are memorizing 2 scriptures a month for the entire year. I will have 24 verses in my little brain to call up when I need them for encouragement or to pray over myself when I am in trouble. I never would have thought I could do that, but with this support system, I do believe I WILL do it! So here is my first one:"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved,
a workman who does not need to be ashamed
and who correctly handles the word of truth."
2 Timothy 2:15
On Jan. 15th it will be time to choose another. I think I know what it is going to be. I am just waiting on confirmation from the Lord. Yes, I do believe that He will highlight the scripture that I need to learn and I am waiting for that to happen.
The other thing that I am doing this year is Ali Edwards' One Little
Word for 2009. You choose a word that expresses what you are working on for the year, or what you want to accomplish, or whatever speaks to you. I chose the word GROW. I believe that says what I want to happen in my life this year. I want to grow in faith, knowledge and awareness. Knowledge of the Word of God, and any other educational opportunity that presents itself; awareness of others and the needs around me as well as in the world; and of course an increase in faith. I hope to be able to look back at the end of the year and see the growth that has occurred.