Thursday, March 19, 2009


I found a link to this video on The Crop Circle. It is really inspiring me right now. I do consider my scrapbooking to be art. Everyone should have some creative outlet, in my opinion. After all, we inherited creativity from our Father. Just go look outside. Is that not proof of it? God created a beautiful, colorful world. Try it! Think you're not creative? Just grab a box of crayons or finger paint. I dare you!

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Just wanted to share some things I've been working on. This sort of thing is what keeps me happy and sane!

This is my very first layout with my very first scrapbook kit club. I subscribed to Scarlet Lime because the bright fun style which is very different from what I usually buy. I was ready to get out of my comfort zone and use something new. It's not a very good picture of the girls, but it was the only one I had of Aubrey's first pigtails and I wanted to do a page about them. She is not a very happy girl!

This is a layout I did using all old stash stuff:

While I was fiddling with the camera trying to get a good shot of her, she was busy playing in the cheese sauce of Lily's Lunchable. I wasn't paying attention to that, but you notice the guilty glances? She was looking to see if her Mama was looking at her. Little stinker!

And here is my Names of God book that I have been working on. I mentioned in an earlier post that I was doing a study of the Hebrew names for God. I have finished with the research and am almost finished with this book. This is just the cover. I'll share more another time. It has been such a blessing and a joy to do. I'm going to cherish this, I know.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Long Post About What I've Been Up To

Part of the reason that my blog has been neglected is that I have been busy (who isn't?) and I have been gone. Another reason is that my camera had been giving me trouble transferring pictures. But I'm back to business as usual now and Kodak has helped me fix the glitch in transferring pictures, so I'm catching up now.

Lily had her tonsils removed a couple of weeks ago. That was traumatic for all of us--her being 3 1/2 and the fact that that child has had one challenge after another for her whole life! But she is like a different child now! She is eating and speaking more clearly, she is actually calmer and has a longer attention span. Who knew?? The baby had sleep apnea due to those things! It was time for them to be gone!

There is our happy girl who never used to want her picture taken and now begs for it. And "Wanna see!" when they are done--she loves a digital camera, that girl!
And while Lily was in the hospital (for 4 days because they couldn't get her to drink post-surgery), we were taking care of this happy girl. Yes, the picture is sideways because I forgot to flip it around before I uploaded it and now I don't know how to fix it. Oh well. We had her from Monday evening until Friday morning. Nothing like caring for a toddler for 24/7 to prove to you that you are getting old!

Then we had this huge (for around these parts) snowfall. We haven't had one this big in years.

We had to take a little trip out to the country and saw these amazing formations. I've personally never seen snow do that before. It looked like giant waves. And up close it reminded me of marshmallow cream. It looked just like you could run your finger into it and have a taste! The snow was deep enough that church was cancelled. That rarely happens!

That Sunday we packed our bags and on Monday we left for a Spiritual Formation retreat that Eugene was attending at Kenlake State Park outside of Murray, KY. Here is where I spent 4 blissful days resting and relaxing--no cooking or cleaning, yay!--and I spent a good bit of that time working on a project that I am going to share with you soon. I took a bag of scrapbooking supplies and my baby Cricut and had a wonderful time. Eugene actually enjoyed the speaker and the time with his colleagues. We needed that break!

These little cabins are really nice and you can't beat being able to look out and enjoy nature. Even though nothing is blooming right now, it is still beautiful to me. I see the promise of Spring in the buds on the trees and the birds and the squirrels. Here's the view of the lake from the lodge:

Of course I waited until the last day to take this and it was really overcast. But there is just something about water, isn't there? So calming and peaceful. Love it!

So there you have it. Paper projects and craftiness coming soon!
