I have been neglecting my little blog again. And I'm going to rely on it some day to jog my memory about what I've done and what was going on in my world. Oh well, I'll try to do better!
I was just reading the LPM blog and Beth was talking about Moon Pies and treats from childhood. It brought back a memory of me when I was a little girl. Sitting in the back seat of our car, taking a drive through the country (as we often did) with the windows rolled down on a sunny Sunday afternoon. Stopping somewhere along the way for a cold drink and a bag of peanuts. My parents got those little Cokes, in glass bottles of course, and I got grape Crush (I hadn't developed a taste for Coke back then). Dump those peanuts in that bottle and you've got yourself a treat. Away we went, drinking our cold drinks and sucking those peanuts out of the bottom of the bottle. Ahhhhhh... We were probably listening to the radio too. Later on we added a 8 track player to the car. Then we were really in style. Herb Alpert or Roger Miller or maybe movie theme songs. Yep, those were good days!
Win This!
Would you like to win this beautiful set that I made? If you do, Head over
to My Crafty Crap and be part of the Amy Butler Style Stitches Sew Along!
13 years ago
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