I simply cannot believe that I have just started a blog! I don't suppose anyone much will read it, but it will be a great way to document the happenings of our life.
I intend for this to be a great year. I am turning 50 on Jan 2nd (Happy Birthday to me!) and I am feeling the need to leave my story for the next generation. I have some scrapbooking projects planned to do just that. Also, I am going to be doing a scrapbook/Bible study project on the names of God. I am looking forward to a creative year.
I do follow Ali Edwards' blog. She is a scrapbooking designer who believes in telling stories and documenting our daily lives. Each year she selects a word for the year that reflects her life and what she wants to achieve during the year. I am selecting the word GROW for my 2009 word. I want to grow in faith, awareness, and knowledge.
If there is someone out there actually reading this, I wish for you a great year full of blessings!
Happy New Year!
Win This!
Would you like to win this beautiful set that I made? If you do, Head over
to My Crafty Crap and be part of the Amy Butler Style Stitches Sew Along!
13 years ago