Monday, July 5, 2010

Ahhhh, getting settled!

This is almost just a memory:

There are still a few big jobs left to do and a whole lot of little things, but I know from experience it takes a while to settle in. I am working hard on the craft room and am getting really excited about getting some things made to sell. I'm starting off with purses, accessories and baby items. I'm going to start off with word-of-mouth and Facebook. We'll see how it goes. Maybe it will grow into an Etsy store. :)

The people are so nice here and have made us feel so welcome. Moving away from friends and family is such a hard thing to do. I am so attached to those that I love and I miss them so much. But, we are already making new friends that we would never have gotten to know if we hadn't made the change. So, it's a good thing, after all. Most of all, I feel that we are where God wants us to be, serving Him and His people.

I'll share a sneak peak of my projects soon. Now I have a new computer that is hopefully going to make it much easier for me to blog and share pictures.

So, for today, God bless you and I hope you have a wonderful day. This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be GLAD in it!!
